
Can Adam keep his superstar status a secret long enough to win the heart of florist Jade Graham?

Adam has set his sights on florist Jade Graham. She’s not the kind of woman he’s used to, she’s too smart to play the role of arm-candy. Adam is going to have to keep his celebrity status a secret for as long as possible, because what woman in her right mind would get attached to a playboy without a conscience? Jade Graham is going to be one tough case, but she seems hell bent on proving that there is more than one way for a star to fall.

*Ebook now available in Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish!

Swipe the cover to read Chapter One

Dear Ms. Brynn,
Who is it who said that books about rock stars don’t sell? Well, in the case of this book, I hope that saying is wrong.

Jayne    Dear Author    Website   

I don’t know exactly what I expected from this story, but what I read was much richer in detail and emotion than I would have thought. Of course all that means is that now Olivia Brynn is on my list of authors to hunt out… er, books, I’ll be hunting out books!

Kathy    Dark Diva's Reviews    Website   

This one definitely was funny all the way to end. Olivia Brynn did a great job in making a man like Adam want to be normal yet bringing in so many obstacles. I’m looking forward to more titles by Olivia Brynn.

Melinda    Night Owl Romance    Website   

This is a light and enjoyable short novel, a good weekend or afternoon sunshine / pool / beach read. The sex scenes are hot and Adam sounds delicious. There are nice secondary characters in gay-best-friend Dean and his boyfriend,

Jane    Jane's Books    Website   

I absolutely adored this book!! A lovely and sweet LOVE STORY!!!! I thought the character development was done pretty well, despite this being a short story. I liked seeing the progression of their relationship – it didn’t feel rushed. It was slow and sweet..oh did I forget to say it was HOT as well. Wow, the heat between the two ….EXPLOSIVE and SEXY!!!

Alex    A Romance Fox    Website   

I didn’t intend to review it (it was just a little short “fun time” for me) but here I am still thinking about it, and I needed to let you know.I just wish this book was longer. But, as a 154 page book, it had plenty of everything I needed to feel complete.

Maryse    Maryse's Book Blog    Website   


Grab This Free Read!

The epilogue to Falling Star, prologue to Rising Heat

Jade Graham has been helping her injured brother for weeks, so Adam surprises her with a visit.

Lance Graham discovers that even his personal life is in shambles, thanks to his own decision to remain in the closet

Swipe the book cover to read Starting Forever!