Saturday Status 9/22/12

Howdy! Fall is here whether I like it or not. I’ve been wear­ing a fuzzy fleece jack­et all week to write. Trees are begin­ning to change col­or, which is good because we usu­al­ly get a freeze before we get any col­ors. Base­ball is wrap­ping up (Go Yan­kees!) and Foot­ball is breath­ing new life into my lit­tle col­lege town.  It’s all good, but I’d still pre­fer a three sea­son summer.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ I just learned that the Pet Shop Boys released a new album! So I go on the look­out for one to share with you here, and find this video. A great expres­sion of inclu­sion and accep­tance. Win­ner.

Work in Progress News ~ Plug­ging away on Dean. I also have a ten­ta­tive title, which is pret­ty big news. I usu­al­ly don’t get one until I’m done with the book! Since the book is about an ex-cop, and to go with Falling Star, I came up with Ris­ing Heat. What do you think?

Back­list News ~ Speak­ing of, Falling Star got a new review last week. Ana’s Attic said: “I have read so many good “rock star” romances this sum­mer, and this ranks way up there on my good list. I read it in one day, and didn’t want to put it down.” 4.5 stars.

Search Term of the week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~ This one: “kale and alexa o brien” is obvi­ous­ly from when I talked about my friend Tri­na M. Lee’s urban fan­ta­sy Alexa O’Brien Huntress series. I’ve made it no secret that Kale is my favorite character.

What I’m read­ing ~ I wait­ed so long for San­dra Brown’s new book. Usu­al­ly I tear right through them, then turn around and re-read it. This time I stretched it out for almost two full days. Low Pres­sure is just what I expect from this author. Great cast of char­ac­ters and twists galore. Sigh. Now I have to wait for her next one. Write faster, Sandra!!

Hero Quote ~ Jake, from Retreat:

You come near me, and I for­get every restric­tion I’ve forced on myself.”

I think that’s called Propin­quital Amne­sia.  (I just made that up, but it sounds pret­ty good, yeah?)

Back to work for me. I hope you all have a great weekend.

Whadd'ya think?